MCAT studying is sadly still going on. Hopefully it works out for the best.
Of the fun things that are going on. I've been learning spinning this quarter. Interestingly enough, it garners more interest than knitting in public. Strange, huh? At first, it was "what are you doing?" Now that I'm spinning up the sample of black/brown roving that Carol from The Sheep Shed Studio sent along with my order, people keep asking if it's hair. =.= What can I say but no? I'm spinning wool. This one girl was especially frightened for some odd reason even after I said it was wool. She looked at my tiny first skein of white yarn in disgust. *sigh*

So the second half ounce or so of roving ended up looking like this
It's finally pretty consistent, about 41 yards of single ply.
The other half ounce was slubby and strange; half of which was spun by Isabel because she got addicted and wouldn't leave my spindle alone after I brought it home that night from the first spinning class. It's since been plied and is about 17 yards of double ply (an experiment in Andean plying that didn't quite work out the way I imagined it would).

At the moment, I'm hoping to spin up enough lace weight singles from the sample bag for a shawl for graduation. =) Sadly, the only time I have to spin is before class so it's going to be slow going. More firsts are occurring as well. Yesterday night, after making up my hours at the Craft Center, I tried my hand at Kool-Aid dyeing with the black and white striped roving I bought. Zin says it looks like watermelon candy so I think I'll call it Watermelon Surprise, or something to that extent. Just in time for Valentine's; it's pink and white with patches of white where the dye didn't penetrate with black stripes sort of like watermelon seeds.

And here they are. =D