A little late for Block 2 for those who are currently in their 3rd semester at AUC and taking Med Micro, but life always needs a few happy stories about infectious microbes and the lovely diseases they can cause. ^_^
Med Micro Stories Part 2 (Yes, I realize that Part 1 doesn't really exist... well... it does.. in my head. ;)
A pair of blue pigeon twins living in a crypt lined with silver and black chronically breathed spores.
A pair (paired sera) of blue (Calcofluor Alcian blue) pigeon (from pigeon droppings, nature) twins (twins are the same, monomorphic) living in a crypt (cryptococcus neoformons) lined with silver (silver stain) and black - (ink is black - india ink) chronically (chronic meningitis) breathed (respiratory disease first sign of infection) spores. (transmitted by aerosolized spores)
After Naegler swam in some foul water, he ran a high fever, hallucinating that the taste of warm water gave him a headache.
After naegler (naegleria) swam in some foul (fowleri) water (contaminated water/lakes), he ran a high fever, hallucinating (olfactory hallucinations) that the taste (taste alterations) of warm water (hot tubs) gave him a headache (intense prefrontal headache)
When walking in CA, it’s a bad idea to cross small animals or they’ll bite your buns.
When walking in CA (California encephalitis), it's a bad (bad - negative ss RNA) idea to cross (la Crosse encephalitis) small animals (small animals - chipmunks/squirrels) or they'll bite your buns (bunyavirus)
It’s a good idea for sick children to wear togas when riding horses on the eat and west side of Venezuela.
It's a good (ss pos sense RNA) idea for sick (immunocompromised) children (children > adult for symptoms/severity) to wear togas (Togaviridae) when riding horses (horses - equine encephalitis ) on the east (EEE) and west (WEE) side of Venezula (VEE)
Flavaflav is getting old and black and has high BP from battling birds in St. Louis.
Carissa's st. louis/west nile/jpn encephalitis - flavaflav (flaviridae) is getting old (elderly most severely affected) and black (african Amer - increased risk) and has high BP (hypertension - increased risk) from battling birds (reservoir) in St. Louis
As Jesus Christ hung naked and weak with a white sheet on the cross, his visions, speech and personality changed before he died.
As jesus christ (JC Virus) hung naked (naked dsDNA) and weak (progressive weakness) with a white (loss of white matter - myelin) sheet on the cross (cross BBB), his vision, speech and personality changed (visual, speech, personality changes) before he died (lifethreatening disability --> death over weeks/months)
Paralyzed and naked, sabin protected salk.
Paralysed (asymmetric flaccid paralysis) and naked (naked ss pos RNA), sabin (live vaccine - shed virus to protect others - herd immunity) protected salk (inactivated)
Playing tennis without oxygen positively leads to smirks, sweats and spasms.
Playing tennis (tennis racket appearance - bacillus - form spores) without oxygen (strict anaerobe) positively (gram pos) leads to smirks (trismus - lockjaw; risus sardonicus - sardonic smile), sweats (sweating, drooling, irritability) and spasms (back spasms)
Doing acid with armadillos in the cold can lead to two things.
[Doing acid (acid fast cell wall) with armadillos (armadillo - similar disease to humans) in the cold (like lower temp such as skin/nasophaarynx) can lead to two things (2 forms - tuberculoid and lepromatous)
Tubers with dark rings around their pale eyes don’t feel anything when small things positively inflame their immune system.
Tubers (tuberculoid) with dark rings (erythematous - red border) around their pale (pigment loss in center of rash - well definied asymmetrical cutaneous macular rash) eyes don't feel anything (sensory loss) when small (small numbers of bacteria in macrophages) things positively (lepromin skin test positive) infllame (inflammatory response strong) their immune system (T cell - DTH response)
Lepers can’t breath when bees bring bacteria to infect them.
Lepers (lepromatous) can't breath (obstructed breathing - invovle nasal mucosa) when bees (bees --> b cell response) bring bacteria (large numbers of bacteria) to infect (infectious) them
Home, home on the range, where the cows and the antelope sleep, the winter will fall and chancers will form, as flies move in Africa all day…
Home, home on the range, where the cows and the antelope (cattle/antelope - Tb rhodesiense; human for the other one) sleep (sleeping sickness), the winter(winterbottom's sign - enlarged posterior cervival glands) will fall and chancres (chancres - primary lesions) will form, as flies (tstese fly is vector) move (motile trypanosomes in smears) in africa (africa is endemic area) all day (please sing this according to the song home on the range)
Gamblers are slow. Roads help cattle move faster.
Gamblers (Trypanosoma brucei gambiense) are slow (slow to enter CNS – illness lasts from mo-years). Roads (Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense) help cattle (cattle/antelope) move faster (early invasion of CNS – fatal if not treated; illness < 9 mo).
In the sunlight, pigs produce proglottids from their stomach into their stool.
In the sunlight (sun = sol in latin; taenia solium), pigs (swine primary host - pork tapeworm) produce proglottids (in stool, or larvae or eggs) from their stomach (convert from eggs to oncospheres in stomach) into their stool (fecal oral infection)
Heartless demons smell of sulfur and kill with acid, causing oozing lesions covered in wax.
Heartless (no heart - nocardia brasiliensis) demons smell of sulfur (sulfur granules) and kill with acid (weakly acid fast - trehalose dimycolate), causing oozing lesions (pustules; suppurative granulomas over time) covered in wax (waxy colonies that turn chalky)
Crawling on your hands and knees with bad two-faced rats on a hill will put you in bed with relapsing fever.
Crawling on your hands and knees (nonpruritic rash (maculopapular, pustular etc) on palms, soles, extremities - asymmetrical polyarthritis- knees most often affected) with bad (gram neg) two-faced (many faces - many forms – pleomorphic – at odds with name which is Strep. moniliformis) rats (rat bite fever) on a hill(haverhill fever) will put you in bed with relapsing fever(relapsing fever - febrile and nonfebrile periods)
Try to stay straight and don’t move without breathing when someone punches you and breaks your bones. I’m going to kill Nella. Corrodens.
try to stay straight( gram neg, neg sign is straight - rod is straight - needles are straight (please don't lick them)) and don't move (stiffness - limitation of movement), without breathing (anaerobic) when someone punches you (clenched fist injury) and breaks your bones (can spread to bones - osteomyelitis). "i'm going to kill nella" - Eikenella. corrodens - appear to corrode/erode agar - gas pockets (anaerobe) and bleach smell (hypochlorite)
The best Israeli dentists will perform surgery on your molars without causing sinus problems that make it hard to breathe when you summon sulfur smelling chupacabras in the woods.
The best (best - postive -gram pos) israeli (actinomyces israelii) dentists will perform surgery (risk - trauma, dental work, surgery) on your molars (molar tooth shaped colonies) without causing sinus (sinus tracts) problems that make it hard to breathe (anaerobe - no breathing air) when you summon sulfur (sulfur granules) smelling chupacabras (goat suckers) (suck out blood - hematogenous spread - spread thr. blood) in the woods (woody abscess)
Two bad white lumpy cats like to signal each other with mice in soft pastures.
2 (bipolar staining) bad (gram neg rods) white (white mucoid colonies) lumpy (regional lymphadenopathy) cats (zoonotic transmission) like to signal each other (Tox A - affect signal transduction pathway via act. of G prot) with mice (mousy odor) in soft (soft abscesses) pastures ( pasteurella multocida)
Abscesses are SAPpy in the Israeli sun.
abscesses are SAPpy in the Israeli(A. israelii) sun(aura - sun) - abscesses - S(staph. aureus) A (actinomyces israeli) P (Pasteurella multocida)
CVS pharmacy
CVS pharmacy - C (clostridium perfringens) V (vibrio vulnificus) S (strep pyogenes)
Subcutaneous virulence
Claustrophobic diabeties that like eggs get positively gassy when making lecithin crackers.
Claustrophopic (clostridium perfringens - sort of sounds similar) diabetics (diabeties and those with decreased peripheral circulation are at risk) that like eggs (egg yolk agar --> precipitation) get positively (gram + rod) gassy (anaerobe; gas from fermentation - gas gangrene) when making lecithin (lecithinase - alpha toxin) crackers (crepitus - crackling sound)
1-2 days after swimming in the sea, don’t move bad oysters. Sick people get Sepsis and Skin lesions.
1-2 days (progressives fast - 24-48 hours skin lesions after infection) after swimming (water sports) in the sea (salty water), don't move (motile rod) bad (gram -) oysters (contaminated oysters). Sick people(immunocompromised - higher risk of invasion) get Sepsis(decreased BP, septic shock) and Skin lesions (blistering skin lesions - blood filled bullae).
Fat people without muscle can’t put out fires with water.
Fat (destruction of fat) people without muscle (destruction of muscle - deep tissue infection) can't put out fires (Strep pyogenes - pyo --> pyro --> fire) with water (fluid filled bullae)
Dragons spiral in San Francisco making ulcerous rings.
Dragons (dracunculus medinesis) spiral (spirillum minus) in San francisco (francisella tularensis) making ulcerous (ulcers) rings
Drinking with crabby dragons in Africa will give you worms that slowly leave your skin but not before making you slow and sick.
Drinking (consume water) with crabby(infected crustaceans) dragons (dracunculus medinesis) in Africa (tropical africa) will give you worms (guinea/medinia worm - nematode) that slowly (protrude after a year -about 2-3 months to erupt completely) leave (erupt thr. ulcers) your skin (cutaenous ulcer) but not before making you slow (interfere with locomotion) and sick (urticaria, nausea, vomit, diarrhea - flu-like symptoms).
Eating a little bit of chocolate covered wild animals laced with cysteine in San Francisco is bad for your health.
Eating (oropharyngeal/GI tularemia - eating contaminated meat) a little bit (low infectious dose - only 10-50 org req. for infection) of chocolate (chocolate agar) covered wild animals (zoonotic transmission - rabbit/deer/rodents) laced with cysteine (cysteine req) in San Francisco (francisella tularensis) is bad (gram neg) for your health (Cell mediated immune response - hypersens)
Bad rats visited Asia for 2 weeks and went back to the dark 3-9 days later for 2 days FUL of red spiral rashes.
Bad (gram neg) rats (rate bite/spirillar fever/sodoku) visited asia (highest incidence for those visitng/live in asia) for 2 weeks (disease after 14-18 days after exposure) and went back (relapsing fever - recurring symptoms in untreated patients) to the dark (dark field prep) 3-9 days later (symptoms reppears 3-9 days later for untreated) for 2 days (rash for 48 hours) F(fever)U(ulcers)L(lymphadenopathy) of red spiral (spiral - spirillum minus) rashes (red brown macular rash)
Spores like MOTTS applesauce the least.
Spores (sporothrix schenckii) like MOTTS (sorta self explanatory) applesauce the least (leishmania)
Playing with flies in the sand scarred my skin the least. But a mass of goats destroyed my mucosal tissues.
Playing with flies in the sand (sand flies) scarred (spontanously heal but leave scars) my skin (cutaneous leishmaniasis) the least (leishmania spp). But a mass of goats (amastigote - intracellular) destroyed my mucosal tissues (mucocutaneous - infect at mucosal-dermal jct; nasal septum; buccal cavity).
Jensen enjoys the many flavors of MOTTS applesauce with tea outside on rought hard days that rain acid.
Jensen (lowenstein jensen media) enjoys the many flavors (pleomorphic rod - many forms) of MOTTS (duh) applesauce with tea (T cell mediated chronic inflammation) outside (environmental sources) on rough (verrucal - roiugh, wart like lesions) hard (granulomas - nodular lymphangitis - nodes are hard) days that rain acid (acid fast wall - trehalose dimycolate)
When picking mushrooms in rose bushes with clogged sinuses, don’t breathe in spores while touching cold mold before using warm yeast in cigars.
When picking mushrooms (thermally dimorphic fungi) in rose bushes (rose thorms - environ source - vegetation with thorns) with clogged (thickened lymphatics - nodular - abscesses) sinuses (sinus tracts draining to epidermis), don't breathe in spores (Sporothrix schenckii) while touching cold (mold at 25 deg - cold) mold (1 form) before using warm (yeast at 35-37 deg) yeast (2nd form) in cigars (cigar shaped yeast in tissue)
Bop that eschar on the head.
Bop that eschar on the head - B (bacillus anthracis) O (orf virus) P (pseudomonas aeruginosa) – Eschars
Henderson likes smooth mollusks with two shells. When he was a child, he picked them up with his hands and feet and put them on his face; as an adult, he covers his privates.
Henderson (henderson-patterson bodies - eosinic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies) likes smooth (smooth, shiny surface with central induration) molluscs (Molluscum Contagiosum) with two shells (double envelope; dsDNA) - when he was a child, he picked them up with his hands and feet and put them on his face (kids get warts on face, trunk, extremities); as an adult, he covers his privates (adults gets warts on abdomen, pubis, genitalia, inner thigh).
Rule of 3’s. 3 letters, 3 lesions, 3 ganglia
Rule of 3's - HSV (3 letters); lesions in groups of 3; 3 ganglia - Trigem (cold sores; hsv-1); Sacral (genital; hsv-2); Brachial (herpetic whitlow - fingers)
The Japanese are very healthy.
the japanese are very healthy - only jpn encephalitis has a vaccine - others may have animal vaccines