My fridge is never ever empty. And yet, here I am, sitting on my couch, reading about skin path and thinking about how creepy it is that my bug bites are no longer merely red papules but tiny little fluid filled vesicles while internally wondering about what it is that I'm to eat.
Granted, I know I have to clean things out. I'm leaving for Bolivia in two days. There's absolutely no reason to keep food in the fridge. There's no reason to go out and buy a carton of eggs when they can't be finished in time. But that still doesn't stop me from wanting more food. It's like a disease. =.=
What kind of person am I that I'm reduced to doctoring up a can of soup. A can of soup that I didn't even buy. (On that note, thank you Kathy for leaving things with Karla and good luck on your Step 1!) And the sad part, using one of two eggs that I have left. Yes, that's right. TWO eggs. And now, it's a measly lonely little chicken embryo in a styrofoam carton in the fridge, waiting for when I next need a quick meal.
Look at this. Just look!
I'm ashamed. You may not be but I am. A can of "healthy" veggie soup doctored up with a little matouk's, a can of sweet corn and ribbons of smoked ham, all nestling a poached egg.
Now, in an attempt to make my brain the same consistency of the yolk encased in the white albumin of that egg, I will return to my regularly scheduled study.
Good luck to all and to all a good night!
Looks like my kind of cookin'! That shure looks like them squirrel soup we hurr in Texus be cookin' out yonder. Yeehaw.
I really liked the article, and the very cool blog
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