Sunday, February 26, 2012

Breakfast for Breakfast and Lunch and Dinner?

I love breakfast food. It's probably one of the most comforting things besides rice smothered in a savory sauce with meat and vegetables, pasta or any other carbohydrate you can think of when you think of a rainy day, a bit of a sad atmosphere and the need for filling food that's easy and fast.

As it's block weekend, the day before blocks in fact, breakfast for dinner is a must. But a lack of ingredients is a bit of a set back. Luckily, there are good friends who will help you buy a rasher of bacon when you're craving it and brown sugar is just as good as white if you're out.

So, turn on the stove and start making breakfast wherever and whenever it is.

Brown Sugar Pancakes

3/4 cup AP flour
3/4 cup milk (I used 2%)
2 tbls brown sugar (you can use white if you want but I ran out. It's preblocks - no one has groceries)
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbls oil (or melted butter if you wish)
1 egg
dash of vanilla

Mix everything together in a bowl, some lumps are okay. Heat a pan over medium heat and brush with a bit of oil or butter. When the pan is hot, pour the batter. I made 3 large pancakes about 7 inch wide. I suggest smaller pancakes for those who don't want them as big. Bubbles will begin to appear on the surface of the batter, when the bottom is brown, flip and cook the other side for another 1-2 minutes. You can keep them warm in a 200 degree oven if you're making a lot. Smother in maple syrup and butter and consume.

I made a few slices of bacon to go with the pancakes. :)

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